
While reading the Conscious Capitalism book I was reminded of the movie Cowspiracythat I watched some time ago which was quite extreme about livestock animals being the largest producers of greenhouse gases worldwide. There was criticism whether the facts there were right (pros and cons discussed on Quora and on the blog or plain Google), but the book Conscious Capitalism has quite staggering (and hopefully reliable) numbers which I just want to put out here:
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Getting Started with the Shopify Buy Button

This blog post shows how to create a checkout URL with Shopify and pass custom variables for the entire order. I want to create a static website that can sell one product (and later maybe more). However, implementing your own online shop system seems to be quite a “let’s reinvent the wheel” task (and far from a static website) - there must be a better solution. The Buy Button from Shopify’s Light plan for 9$ per month seems fitting, so I give it a try.
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Deep Work

As I work in a big company, there is always plenty opportunity to spend one’s life in meetings. While I envy people who like to do that, I usually perceive them as a waste of time and always think I could be using my time better to create actual code and have the feeling of achieving something at the end of the day. Therefore, I really liked Cal Newport’s new book Deep Work.
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