
First Year of Entrepreneurship and Freelancing

It has been almost one and a half years since I quit my full-time job. Let’s reflect. Founding a bootstrapped startup. A friend and I have founded a company that helps merchants to save money on Google Shopping ads. There were good learnings in there. Sales In the beginning, I was completely lost, as I have never done something like that before. Thanks to corporate specialisation. Fortunately, I came across an early version of the Sales For Founders course by Louis Nicholls.
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Life questions about being an engineering employee

This is a more personal post that will act as a diary entry. I will return to it in some years and compare what I know now with what I will have learnt. Having worked for several years in companies of different sizes, there were important life questions about financial growth and security in the long-term. Eventually this lead to me exploring new paths of entrepreneurship and freelancing.
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ETFs. It's Simple But Not Easy.

Having been familiar with stock markets only from movies such as the Wolf of Wall Street or friends who visited a stockbroker’s house to find it full of TVs that are showing Bloomberg in every room, I thought that it wasn’t for me as I did not want to follow the news 24/7 and frantically buy or sell stocks when there is a development. Luckily, there is a way how to invest in the stock market where I don’t have to do that.
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Conscious Capitalism

Businesses are often perceived as a only shareholder-value-oriented, people at work and customers have lost any (positive) emotional connection. Especially big corporations seem always to be in a race to the bottom in customer service (honorary mention is O2/Telefonica in Germany, which has the absolute worst customer service known to me). Authors Mackey (founder of WholeFoods supermarket in the US) and Sisodia offer another approach to capitalism that has more sides to it than just short term shareholder value - conscious capitalism.
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While reading the Conscious Capitalism book I was reminded of the movie Cowspiracythat I watched some time ago which was quite extreme about livestock animals being the largest producers of greenhouse gases worldwide. There was criticism whether the facts there were right (pros and cons discussed on Quora and on the blog or plain Google), but the book Conscious Capitalism has quite staggering (and hopefully reliable) numbers which I just want to put out here:
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